A modular fire protection system integrates fire detection, release panels, signaling, and suppression devices into a pre-built framework. It offers a cost-effective and user-friendly solution for complex commercial  and  industrial  environments,  significantly  reducing  the  need  for  extensive  on-site installation work typically required in traditional setups.
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Product Details

A modular fire protection system integrates fire detection, release panels, signaling, and suppression devices into a pre-built framework. It offers a cost-effective and user-friendly solution for complex commercial  and  industrial  environments,  significantly  reducing  the  need  for  extensive  on-site installation work typically required in traditional setups.


To support the  NEXPRO fire suppression system, we  have specifically designed the  FW2108 series compact  releasing  panel  and   peripheral  devices.  These  devices  are  integrated  with  our   FK5112 cylinders within a pre-fabricated framework. Users simply need to place the entire system on-site and connect it to the detectors for quick and easy operation. Simple and efficient.

The system includes devices:

• NP2108 Releasing Panel
• NP2961 Horn Strobe
• NP2731 Manual Release
• NP2732 Abort Switch
• NP2733 Disconnect Switch
• NP2511 Smoke Detector Head
• NP2521 Heat Detector Head